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The Power of Being a Fan: Building Connections in the Art Community

Updated: Jun 3

In a world driven by self-promotion, it's easy to overlook the importance of being a fan of others, especially within the art community. Yet, as Austin Kleon aptly puts it, "If you want fans, you have to be a fan first." This simple principle not only fosters a sense of community but also opens doors to unexpected opportunities and connections.

Recently, while listening to Austin Kleon's "Show Your Work!" audiobook, I was struck by his insights on the significance of being a connector rather than just self-promoting. This resonated deeply with me, prompting a shift in perspective on how I engage with fellow artists and creators.

An unexpected opportunity presented itself when one of my biggest artist role models, Brita of Zenspire Designs, opened her P.O. Box for fan art submissions. Having followed Brita's journey since 2016, I've witnessed her artistic growth and business success, which served as a source of inspiration and motivation for my endeavors.

Filled with gratitude for Brita's influence on my creative journey, I seized the chance to express my appreciation. Drawing inspiration from her late cat, Jack, I crafted a heartfelt letter accompanied by a portrait of Jack, conveying how her achievements instilled confidence in my artistic pursuits.

Including a few goodies from my own art business, I eagerly sent off the package, hoping it would convey the depth of my admiration and gratitude. Little did I anticipate the remarkable turn of events that followed.

To my astonishment, Brita not only received my package but also took the time to unbox it, sharing the experience with her audience through a video post. Her genuine appreciation for the gesture and subsequent acknowledgment left me humbled and deeply touched.

The ripple effect of this simple act of fandom surpassed expectations, resulting in Brita extending a follow on social media and engaging with my content. While this may seem insignificant to some, for me, it symbolized the power of genuine connections forged through mutual admiration and appreciation.

Beyond the realm of self-promotion, being a fan of others fosters a culture of support, camaraderie, and encouragement within the art community. It's a reminder that success is not a solitary journey but a collaborative effort fueled by reciprocal admiration and support.

In conclusion, let us embrace the ethos of being fans of one another, for in doing so, we not only uplift and inspire but also foster meaningful connections that enrich our creative endeavors. As Austin Kleon wisely asserts, "If you're only pointing to your own stuff online, you're doing it wrong. You have to be a connector."

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